Contributing Guidelines

We welcome contributions! We use Github projects to organize our ticket workflow. If there’s a particular issue you would like to work on and it isn’t already assigned, feel free to assign it to yourself and start work! If you just want to lend a hand, check out the current project and choose one of the tickets from the backlog.

Once you’re done writing code, you will need to open a pull request with your changes. In order to be merged, pull requests must fulfill the following requirements:

  • All new code must have tests.
  • All tests must be passing.
  • Any relevant documentation has been updated.

If you need help with something, that’s totally fine. Do what you can and then ask for what you need, either through your PR or on gitter. Just be aware that there may be a delay before someone comes along who has time to provide it.

Once your pull request is complete, one of the core contributors will review it and give feedback or merge as appropriate.

If you have any questions or just want to discuss the project, chat with us on gitter.

Code of conduct

This project adheres to and supports the Django Code of Conduct.

Style guide

This project uses the Django coding style guide.