Start developing

Set up the project

  1. Clone the Github repo
  2. Navigate to the django-graph-api directory
  3. Create and activate the project’s virtual environment
  4. Install the project requirements

If you are using pipenv:

git clone
cd django-graph-api
pipenv install    # this will create your virtualenv and install the requirements

Run the tests

  1. Activate the virtualenv
  2. Install the test requirements
  3. Run the tests
pipenv shell
pip install -r requirements-test.txt

Run the test project

Django Graph API comes with a sample Django project based on the Star Wars examples from the GraphQL documentation. It is used for integration tests and to help with development.

  1. Install the local version of django-graph-api
  2. Migrate the db
  3. Add some data
  4. Start the dev server

While in the root project directory, in an active virtual environment:

pip install .
./ migrate
./ shell
# Add some data
# django_graph_api/tests/ has some code you can copy and paste
./ runserver

You should be able to see the GraphiQL app and run queries by navigating to localhost:8000/graphql in your browser.

Build the docs

  1. Navigate to the docs directory
  2. Install the docs requirements
  3. Build the docs files as html
cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
make html

View the docs by opening _build/html/index.html in your browser.